

With so many moving parts to consider it is important take steps to ensure you don’t make mistakes that slow your progress, come back to haunt you 后来 or get you in hot water with HMRC. 

在蓝天, one of our areas of expertise is start-ups and supporting them throughout their business journey. 

Over the years we’ve worked with hundreds of start-ups, so we’ve seen it all. To help you out, we’re sharing 11 common mistakes and how to avoid them.


Focussing only on the short term can mean you miss the important steps you need to get your business off the ground, 它真的会阻碍你的整体成长.

 A great way to avoid short-sightedness is to dedicate some time thinking about where you want to end up. 问问你自己: 

  • 我想达到什么目标?
  • 我要在这个行业干多久? 
  • 我什么时候退出?

不要忘乎所以地想一次做完所有的事情. 一天一天慢慢来. Consider implementing relevant systems and processes now to help you reach your goals.


Market research is there to help you understand your customers wants and needs. 如果你做了彻底的研究, you can make the needed small changes early to avoid bigger problems down the line. 

Make sure you ask a diverse and impartial group for their support when conducting research. Keep in mind that your parents and your best friends may want to spare your feelings so may not be the best people to canvas.


Founders often believe they have an idea they can monetise because they personally like it, so they dive in headfirst without a USP or understanding of current markets. 在这个场景中, of course you’ll see your idea succeeding because it’s something you’d personally spend money on. Remember it’s not whether you like it or not, it’s whether your potential customers will.

An old friend of ours once said “you may like sunglasses, but it’s raining so sell umbrellas”. 就像我们在前面说过的, 做市场调查, but also consider your potential competitors and definitely ensure you have a USP and/or a gap in the market. 


We have seen too many ‘partnerships’ grind to a halt because co-founders disagree on direction, 报酬, 休息时间, 不断发展的责任等等. If you can’t agree with each other or find common ground, you’re not going to get very far.

确保你对团队成员做了尽职调查, 尤其是创始人, 合作伙伴和投资者. You need to have shared values, work ethics and a vision of where you want your business to go. 

即使你们有共同的立场和观点, 事情并不总是一帆风顺的, it’s likely that you’ll clash and it can often happen with decisions and job roles. 为了解决这个问题, you could try an accountability chart to ensure everyone knows who is responsible for what.

It’s also important to discuss and map out what will happen if someone wants out, 生病或想要改变工作角色. It’s easier to have these conversations early on and remember to keep it fair. As a side note, “fair” doesn’t look the same to everyone, so make sure you discuss that too. 


在通往成功的崎岖之路上,挫折是很自然的一部分. 当事情出错时, 退后一步,看看整个画面, 不要生闷气,让自己陷入消极的漩涡. 评估发生了什么,并从错误中吸取教训. 不要否认问题的原因, 当你需要帮助的时候,不要害怕寻求帮助.


Failure to nurture your team will result in a constant recruitment cycle which can be detrimental to your business. 记住你的团队是你最大的财富. 倾听他们的想法, 给他们目标, 进步的机会,并制定明确的目标和目的. 你需要他们为公司文化做出贡献, 同时感觉自己是团队中被重视和需要的一员.


缺乏过程或, 就像平常一样, 缺乏对过程的管理和执行会造成严重破坏. Your problems will be further accelerated if you simply react without taking the bigger picture into consideration. 

完全缺乏组织性和对问题的快速反应, 是否会导致诸如拖欠付款之类的财务秘密, 与HMRC的未偿余额和错过的申报截止日期. Ultimately this will impact the efficiency of your business and its potential value. 

Stay on top of your admin, organise your finances and other business processes. 不要认为必要的管理是无聊的, 也许是吧, 但在法律上是附加的, 无聊才是你需要的. Set up systems so things are not missed, or even better, hire someone to do this for you.


You don’t have to try and do it all alone and it’s highly likely that you can in all honesty. Get support, set up processes for areas you are weaker on and focus on what you do best. 


Poorly managed cash and lack of forecasting is a classic business killer. Build a formidable cashflow forecast to ensure you are in control of the numbers. 现金流通常与融资有关, 但他们需要谋生, 呼吸是你商业旅程的一部分. 一个像样的, well managed cashflow forecast will give you the breathing space to identify potential future issues and respond accordingly.

Mistake 10: Misunderstanding the link between state aid funding/grants and R&D

在没有评估对R的影响的情况下就投入国家援助资金&D税收抵免会花掉你的钱. Speak to a qualified advisor to understand the best strategy to ensure you can get the most benefit. 评估一笔赠款是否属于国家援助是很重要的, 对现金流和其他商业及税收因素的影响.


Understandably, you want the best products and most talented staff when building the business up. 然而,这很容易导致超支. Decide what start-up costs are needed to run the business and cut out all non-essential spending. This will allow your business to grow much faster and it’ll leave more cash to make those big purchases, 如果你还需要的话, 后来.


犯错是生活的一部分, but hopefully our tips can give you plenty to think about and help minimise their effect. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss anything further.


